Engagement on Remediation of Contaminated Sites in BC Fall 2022

On behalf of the Land Remediation Section of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, thank you to all the participants who were able to join the recent discussion on making contaminated sites climate ready, investigating contaminated sites and soil relocation changes in BC.

Overview of Workshop Series

Session 1: Making Contaminated Sites Climate Ready

We held two sessions on this topic on the dates listed below

November 14, 2022

November 16, 2022

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Session 2: Investigating Contaminated Sites

We held two sessions on this topic on the dates listed below

November 17, 2022

November 21, 2022

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Session 3: Soil Relocation Changes in B.C.

We held two sessions on this topic on the dates listed below:

December 7, 2022

December 9, 2022

Session 4: Final Wrap-Up and Report Back

This session summarized what was shared in the previous three sessions and allowed for sharing of any additional information or ideas that had been missed.

December 13, 2022 

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If you or other members of your community would like to discuss anything related to the engagement topics, we invite you to email site@gov.bc.ca. For all other contaminated sites enquiries please view the contact list of different subject areas on the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy website

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