Our Team

Pearl Davie

Indigenous owner, residential-day school survivor, and inspiration for Mahihkan.  With more than five years' experience as an event planner and Elder care worker, Pearl ensures that Mahihkan is trauma-informed, and embraces a decolonization approach in all projects.

Vanessa Ong

Engagement and event services lead.   For nearly 20 years, Vanessa has combined a big-picture view with attention to detail.  Vanessa ensures projects meet and exceed the expectations of clients.

Nicole Pelland

Project management lead.  As a financial administrator and project manager, Nicole’s formidable organizational skills enables us to offer a rare combination of speed and accuracy.  Nicole also supports Vanessa with events and engagements.

Gary Reith

Corporate services lead.  Gary has more than 45 years’ experience as a community planner, applied sociologist, leader in local waste reduction, business advisor, designer of engagements and events, and project manager.   Gary leads Mahihkan’s business development and partnership activity, manages administrative functions, and is always on hand to support Pearl, Vanessa, and Nicole.

Mahihkan engages contractors throughout Canada to augment and enhance our services.

Let us know about your next event, and we'll help make it a big success!